How Can Your Business Benefit From An Energy Audit?

An energy audit will enable you to see whether your organisation is as efficient as it could be. An energy audit is a detailed examination of your company’s energy usage. A professional auditor will conduct an energy audit to determine where you might be wasting energy and then make recommendations for consumption and cost-cutting alternatives. The ultimate goal is to find cost-effective ways to reduce your energy use without compromising your business operations.

What Exactly Is An Energy Audit?

An Energy Audit is a thorough evaluation of your company’s present energy efficiency levels and assesses habits from the outside in, room by room. A customised strategy can then be produced based on this information and the level of savings you’d like to accomplish, concentrating on cost-effective solutions for maximising functionality and efficiency while reducing your company’s energy usage and expenses.

How Can Your Business Benefit From An Energy Audit?

What Is Involved in a Industrial Energy Audit?

An energy audit will help you figure out where you can make operational changes to save money. An energy audit can cover every energy-consuming system in the building or may just focus on one area, including:

  • HVAC (HVAC) systems
  • System of backup power
  • Process lighting systems
  • Upgrades to the building envelope
  • Systems that use steam
  • Recuperation of heat
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Plug-in loads
  • Water supply systems
  • Applications of renewable energy
  • Motors and drives

What Are the Advantages of Doing an Energy Audit?

#1. Expenses for energy are reduced

The most obvious advantage is that the less energy your facility consumes, the less money you’ll have to spend on energy. So, how much money can you save in the long run? According to many studies, industrial establishments can save up to 30% on energy costs by implementing more energy-efficient equipment and practices.

#2. Recognize Issues

A Detailed Energy Auditmight also assist you to find any problems with your equipment. Small leaks in your pressurised air system, for example, could be discovered by the auditor. These leaks would cost you a lot of money if you didn’t notice them until a severe problem arose later on.

Auditors can uncover potential health and safety issues such as carbon monoxide from incorrectly running or vented combustion equipment, steam leaks, and more by identifying and correcting potentially dangerous conditions, particularly in older buildings.

#3. Recommendations that are tailored to you

Energy Audit Services can help you learn about innovative energy-saving devices that you would not be aware of otherwise. The expert will create a plan specifically for your company, advising you on which upgrades will provide the best return on your investment.

Updated lighting systems, a new HVAC system, and a heat recovery system for your boiler are just a few examples. While some of the suggestions may have a high upfront cost, keep in mind that many of them will pay for themselves in a short amount of time by saving you money on your energy bills.

#4. Reduced Operational and maintenance costs

An Industrial Energy Audit aids in the identification of high-energy-consumption regions and the implementation of waste-reduction strategies. As a result, operational performance is improved, and maintenance expenses are lowered.

#5. Demonstrate environmental awareness

Energy audits not only protect the environment by lowering fossil fuel emissions, but they also ensure that everyone has a more secure energy future. Even something as simple as lighting efficiency might yield significant advantages. By taking steps to become more energy efficient, you will demonstrate to your staff and clients that your firm is concerned about its environmental impact. This could help you connect with clients who want to work with a company that cares about the environment.

O’Brien Energy Services- You One-Stop Solution for energy audit service

O’Brien Energy Servicesis one of the premier Energy Audit Companies. We perform energy audits in accordance with AS3598, with three audit levels available: Basic, Detailed, and Precision. Our audits provide a systematic analysis of energy use and energy consumption of audited objects in order to assess current energy use and identify, quantify, and report on opportunities for improved energy performance.

To learn more about our services, click here. You can contact us at  1300-771-759 to discuss your energy efficiency goals.